ARCES - Newsletter Euca - Numero 2

Newsletter Euca - Numero 2

EUCA expands its network to French University halls of residence

EUCA now has a presence in Paris, Rennes and Strasbourg. Three French University halls of residence have recently joined the network that aims towards encouraging cooperation between the European Colleges.
These new EUCA members include: the Association de Culture Universitaire et Technique (ACUT) from Paris, the Association Nideck from Strasburge and the Association Culturelle Fréhel from Rennes.

EUCA announces the winners of second Message in a Bottle competition

In the Message in a Bottle competition students from Netherhall House (London), Collegio Celimontano (Rome), and Collegio Einaudi (Turin) have won in the graphic, photo and video categories respectively. They will be awarded their prizes at a forthcoming EUCA event in Bilbao, where they will each receive an Olympus camera as recognition of their artistic skills in relation to the subject of volunteering.

EUCA speaks at European Economic and Social Committee, EU Committee  of the Regions and CELAN mid-term round table on Multilingualism

Over the last few months EUCA has been invited to participate in numerous seminars at EU level. EUCA's President Gian Luca Giovannucci spoke at the European Economic and Social Committee on the role of higher education in strategies aimed at overcoming the current economic crisis. The Secretary General of EUCA Fabio Monti presented a proposal to the EU Committee of the Regions for the new "Erasmus for all". EUCA continues with its commitment to multilingualism through the CELAN project.

First pilot project of the EUCA Ambassadors' programme starts in Rome and in Milan at Italian RUI Colleges

On 7 February in Rome and on 15 February in Milan, Fondazione RUI,
that belongs to Conferenza dei Collegi Universitari di Merito (CCU), EUCA Italian member, experimented the first pilot project of the new EUCA Ambassadors' programme. Twenty students from seven Collegiate halls of residence attended a one-day course on EUCA and communication strategies.


EUCA (European University College Association)
Rue de Trèves 49 bte 3
B-1040 Bruxelles
Tel: +32.2.2806340 +32.2.2806340
Fax: +32.2.2806338

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